The insurance reimbursement process can be smoother; however, the insurance companies often make it more cumbersome than necessary.

We do have an NPI number, and our clients have always received their reimbursement (as per their benefits). We are not a participating provider.  We are "non-participating provider", as we are "out-of-network."  Our NPI number is 0166461.  

We suggest that you get the attention of a supervisor at the insurance company and make sure they process your reimbursement as "out of network" provider, fees that you already paid.  

Generally, the insurance companies have specific policies of inclusion/exclusion and they sometimes reject claims without proper processing.

We would suggest you do the following:

1. Get your policy in writing. They may require some pediatrician referral and other documents for you to provide along with the claim.

2. See if the specific codes are included or excluded.

3. Consider appealing the rejected claim to your insurance company.

4. If you get the policy and want us to review it, we can do that. Fax it to us at 718 559 6752 or email it to us at

We will do everything we can to support you through the insurance process. It can be trying.

The other suggestion we have found helpful is to include written correspondence to your insurance company, with cc to the NYS Insurance Board.  (This is the agency that oversees the insurance companies, and we find that insurance companies move quicker and more helpfully when they see that agency cc'd in correspondence.)