We recognize that our fee is high and significant, but is definitely comparable to what people pay for a good psychotherapist. In considering to do or not to do, it’s important to also consider not just the fee per visit, but the time and cost overall. We try to start at 1x/week, and move to fewer visits as soon as possible, and less frequent.

- We have an an integrated and individualized approach. Individual means we do not do the same thing for everybody, no manual or program. We do not treat a stutter/problem but a person. It’s integrated in the sense that we do the “speechy” mechanical kind of stuff but also includes the motivational counseling aspects of self-esteem, achieving one's goals.

- Further, when we work with preschool kids who stutter, we work with the parents and try to help and teach the parents help their kids, whether it is stuttering, voice or language. 

- In addition, we do once a week appointments and give you materials to go home and work with so we are not making you come in multiple times a week as other places may do.  

- This integrated approach, along with the fact we are specialists in fluency, is why our fees are what they are.